Monday 4 October 2010

Health And Safety.

One of the first issues we encountered was the large amount of chairs in the room. This is a hazard because of the possibility of falling or tripping over such objects. We fixed this by removing the chairs from the film location, and only keeping the two chairs which we needed for filming, on set. Another we had to think about was a slippery floor outside, in the hallway where our establishing shot is filmed. The danger here is the possibility of slipping and injuring yourself. We can maintain this risk by keeping the floor clean, and walking across it at an appropriate pace. Yet another danger was the uncovered electrical cables by the entrance to the room - next to the door hinge. This risk would be if we came into contact with the cables, which could cause an electric shock. We didn't have the facilities to be able to cover the cables, but we made sure when filming that we were aware of the cables.

After highlighting the different hazards and risks in the film location, we were able to begin camera work.

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