Thursday 3 February 2011

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our production company has produced a low budget British film which is in the genre of psychological horror. With intention to target an over 18 background who are interested in the this genre and intellectual films.

The media distribution is worth $60 billion dollars and very much is dominated by the major studios such as Warner, Disney. These are vertically integrated so the profit margin is very large, these films would expect to reach large audiences by been played in main cinemas such as

‘Odeon, Vue and Cineworld’. However as we have produced a low budget film we cannot expect to play a major part on the scene, this is why we would target small independent cinemas in our local area and at exhibitions such as Norbury theatre in Droitwich. As the modern day allows us to post videos online will would take full advantage of this, this would allow us to connect to wider audiences and to gain a reputation. This may leads us on to independent film festivals such as one of the largest in London.

As our film is a student production I strongly agree that in the real professional environment with a larger budget could generate mainstream success and played in the top dog cinemas. I think this because our film is very unique and could be twisted into something worthy also it raises awareness into certain mental stabilities. This is why we’re spreading the awareness so such opportunities could occur.

Youtube is one of the most accessed site on the internet, it has took of majorly from the last couple of years and it’s a great place for opportunity and marketing. Some short movies mange to generate millions of hits. These videos appear globally and I think this is our best opportunity to access the mainstream audience connoting to our target audience plus more. Here are example a of short movie which have connected with mass audiences.

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